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CHJ LEADING IDEAL ONE unveiled on Oct.18, to hit market at the end of 2019

CHJ LEADING IDEAL ONE unveiled on Oct.18, to hit market at the end of 2019


The LEADING IDEAL ONE, the first model under the all-new intelligent EV brand “Lixiang Zhizao” (“LEADING IDEAL” for its English brand name) released by Chinese EV startup CHJ Automotive (CHJ) on October 10, made its official debut in Beijing on October 18. The automaker will initiate the presale in April next year and formally deliver new cars to consumers at the end of 2019.


The stocky and decorous overall exterior design make the vehicle hold a status of composure and generosity. A LED light bar run through the rounded rectangle-shaped intake grille and penetrates into the sleek headlights on both sides.

          CHJ LEADING IDEAL ONE unveiled on Oct.18, to hit market at the end of 2019

The LEADING IDEAL ONE's side profile is complemented with the straight roof, manly rear fender and large-sized rims. At the rear end, the sleek pulling-through taillights and silver engine shield manifest the sense of masculinity of the premium SUV.


The interior is mainly covered with black and brown colors. Three large-sized screens, namely, a full liquid crystal instrument panel and two multi-media displays, are placed side by side above the center console.

Positioned as a premium mid-full size SUV model, the 5m-plus-long LEADING IDEAL ONE will offer two seat layouts, the 6-seat and the 7-seat. The 6-seat version features the 2-2-2 configuration, according to the official photos unveiled before.

The new SUV sports the intelligent connectivity feature integrating a multi-screen display system and an on-board voice system. Equipped with a Level 2.5 ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems), the vehicle is designed to provide safer and more convenient driving experience in tune with China's road conditions and user's driving behaviors. In addition, its electronic system and electronic control system are available for the OTA (over-the-air) upgrade.


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